DCHS Announcements for 2/27/2025 The DCHS 2025 Prom Committee will be selling Choctaw apparel to raise money for this year's JR/SR Prom. Here is the link to purchase the apparel and support your Choctaws. https://southernpointdesigns.com/collections/dchs-prom-fundraiser Junior ACT Bootcamp registration is now available in your Class of 2026 Google Classroom. Registration will close on Monday, March 3rd at 3:00 pm. This week our school will be celebrating Kindness Week. Please take the time out of your day each day this week to be kind. From now through March 16th, students who register for the April, June, or July ACT will have the opportunity to select a bundle for $99 and get a voucher for a second test anytime through Summer 2026. Have your student check their Google Classroom or you can check with a Guidance Counselor if you have any questions. March 11th will be an ACT testing day for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Seniors do not have to report to school on March 11th until 11:20 am due to ACT testing for all underclassmen. Seniors will enter the theater doors on this date NO LATER THAN 11:20 am and check in at the assigned table to be counted as present for the school day. There will be a very important senior meeting held from 11:20-12:00 regarding upcoming events for the remainder of the school year. We will also give away ACT cash rewards for accomplishments made on the ACT senior retake. Lunch and afternoon classes will resume as normal after the meeting. This day is counted as a regular school day and attendance will be taken as students check in at 11:20. Any senior student who rides a bus to school on the morning of March 11th will report to the theater when the 7:53 bell rings. Lip Sync will be held on March 13th and March 14th. This is for groups, not individuals. Please read the rules before signing up. You can represent a grade, a club, or a team. Grades can have multiple teams. ONLY the group/team leader needs to complete the sign-up form. Information is found in all grade-level Google classrooms or you can email Mrs. Jill. Yearbooks are still available for sale at yearbooksforever.com - they are now available for $95. There is an FCA meeting Friday morning at 7:30 in the gym. Any student who is interested in information regarding submitting artwork for the Annual UT Martin High School Art Exhibit and Competition can pick up info from Mrs. Sanderson in Art room 4002 or Digital Art room 3012. The deadline for the art to be completed and delivered to Mrs. Sanderson or Ms. Uitendaal, is March 12, but you must speak to them and receive info first. The categories are 1) Painting/Mixed Media, 2) Drawing, 3) Printmaking/Photography/Digital, and 4) 3D/Sculpture. Prizes are awarded for each category from high school student art from across the state.
15 days ago, Jamie Ferguson
Just a reminder that yearbooks are still available for sale at yearbooksforever.com - they are $75 now until October 31st. Get them ordered before the price increases The DCHS talent show will be held on Friday, October 4th at 2 pm! We have ten spots available to showcase the talented DCHS students. Entries can be vocal or instrumental. All interested candidates must audition to be selected to compete. Please email Mrs. Jill Powers or Mrs. Reachel Hudgins with any questions. The deadline for entry is 9/24! Fill out your audition request today. Forms are found in all grade-level Google classrooms. DCHS will host a homecoming dance on Friday, October 4th from 9:30 to 11:00 pm. Tickets will be on sale starting 9/23. Tickets will be $10 cash. The DJ has been hired so make plans to attend for a fun night! Football homecoming week will be September 30 - October 4. This year's theme is Hollywood Homecoming. Please see your grade-level Google classroom for detailed information about dress-up days, class competitions and other HOCO related activities. Next week is the class competition snack drive sponsored by the LEO Club. Starting Monday, bring in your snacks to collect points for your grade. This competition benefits the elementary students of our school district who need a snack during the day but might not have one. Attention SENIORS - please complete the Diploma Name List assignment in your Google Classroom. All seniors should check the list to make sure your name is spelled correctly for diploma printing. Please complete this ASAP. Thank you for demonstrating PRIDE this week. Remember that PRIDE stands for Personal Best, Respect, Integrity, Determnation, and Excellence. The PBIS Team will randomly draw the names of 5 students each week that received PBIS points for demonstrating PRIDE. This week we would like to recognize: Kate Davis points given by Laura Wright, Lillian Gregory points given by Tammy Ladd, Zackery Shaw points given by Michael Shirley, Alexis Ingalls points given by Taylor Ricks, Oakley Joiner points given by Stephanie Sanders. Please come to the office to collect your prize.
6 months ago, DCHS
DCHS Announcements - August 5 - 9, 2024 Just a reminder: DCHS Back to School Bash with be Tuesday, August 6th from 6-7 pm at DCHS. Picture Day is August 8th during the school day. This will be for all underclassmen, senior re-makes and faculty/staff. ACT registration deadline is August 9th. Make sure to get your student registered for the upcoming ACT test. There will be a College Parent Meeting on August 13th in the Commons. If you have any questions, please contact Becky Kent at rebeccakent@dcchoctaws.net Class Officer application deadline is August 13th. Freshman elections are August 27th. Sophomore elections are August 28th. Junior elections are August 29th. Senior elections are August 30th. If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Babbitt, at courtneybabbitt@dcchoctaws.net. Youth Leadership applications are due August 16th. This is open to sophomores only. Applications can be picked up outside room 1024. If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Babbitt, at courtneybabbitt@dcchoctaws.net.
7 months ago, DCHS
Open enrollment for the Dyer County School System will end Friday, August 2, 2024, at 3:00 pm. To be eligible for open enrollment, all required documents, proof of age, 2023-2024 report card, attendance and discipline, must be received by 3:00 pm. After this date, a student must provide required proof of residency to transfer schools.
9 months ago, Dyer County Schools
Due to extreme heat, ALL Dyer County Schools outside sporting events have been canceled today, August 24, 2023. Stay cool & hydrated, Choctaws!
over 1 year ago, Dyer County Schools
sports canceled
Look what's happening at DCHS this week!
over 1 year ago, Dyer County Schools
Make sure you’re following the Dyer County Schools Transportation page for information and updates about your student's bus! Thank you to everyone at the Transportation Office who ensures that students are bussed to and from school safely.
over 1 year ago, Dyer County Schools
Transportation info
2023 DCHS Back to School information!
over 1 year ago, Dyer County Schools
Back to school info
Calculators for Saturday’s ACT can be checked out on Friday, July 14, from 9-11 AM in the front entrance of DCHS. Please remember to bring a photo ID or the appropriately signed/ notarized ACT identification form for the test on Saturday, July 15.
over 1 year ago, Dyer County Schools
The Dyer County Sheriff’s Office will host a two-day training at DCHS on 6/26 and 6/29. Please do not be alarmed if you see patrol cars and deputies on the DCHS campus these days. We are honored to accommodate their training and are grateful for their service.
over 1 year ago, Dyer County Schools
dyer co sheriffs office training announcement
Graduation rain plan
almost 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
graduation rain plan
The 2023 Dyer County High School graduation will begin tonight at 8pm on the Choctaw football field! Here's the link to stream tonight's graduation ceremony live: https://m.youtube.com/live/nklh4QwrLTk?feature=share
almost 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
We will certainly take every threat seriously. At this time, Dyer County Schools has not received this type of phone call. We are working closely with Sheriff Boxx and our SRO’s to stay updated on the situation.
almost 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
TBI announcement
We hope you all have a GREAT spring break!! 🧡 #dyercountyschools #happyspringbreak
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
spring break
Attention: Due to a shortage of drivers, Bus 91 will be running late this morning. We anticipate the route not starting until 7:45am. We will keep you updated about the end-of-the-day route. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
Seniors do not have to report to school on March 7th until 11:30 am due to ACT testing for all underclassmen. Seniors will enter the theater doors NO LATER THAN 11:30 am and check in at an assigned table in order to be counted present for the school day. There will be a very important senior meeting held from 11:30 - 12:00 regarding upcoming events for the remainder of the school year, as well as, the ACT cash rewards for accomplishments from the ACT senior retake will be given out. Lunch and afternoon classes will resume as normal afterwards. Please make plans to attend school tomorrow afternoon! This is counted as a regular school day and attendance will be taken tomorrow as students check in at 11:30. Any senior student that will be riding the bus to school in the morning will report to the theater when the 8:00 bell rings.
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
Guess what, students!!! 👀 We will allow you a principal’s excused absence to attend our girl's basketball game against South Gibson High School on Tuesday, March 7, at 11:30 am at the Murphy Center in Murfreesboro, TN. ‼️ When you arrive at the game in Murfreesboro, it will be your responsibility to find Coach Chris Parker and check in with him to ensure your absence will be excused on Tuesday. ‼️ NOT checking in with Coach Parker at the game WILL result in an unexcused absence. If you have any questions, please call the office.
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
the boro
Reminder: no school Monday, February 20, 2023!
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
After continually assessing the road conditions, all Dyer County and Dyersburg City Schools will be back in session today, Friday, February 3, 2023. Bus drivers will use their discretion in the few areas that may still be hazardous. Let’s make it a great day, Choctaws! 🧡
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools
schools back in session
Due to hazardous road conditions, all Dyer County Schools will be closed Thursday, February 2, 2023. Stay warm and safe, Choctaws!
about 2 years ago, Dyer County Schools